Archive for April, 2008


Welcome to SWEATCity!

A FITNESS plan that creates lasting change is about so much more than working out and eating right. To change your body you MUST clean up all the garbage in your life.

A great body is not just about your Workout Plan and Healthy Eating. YOU Know this! Until you tackle the issues of your life you will never be happy in your body. It’s not about the Treadmill and Salads, we wish it were that easy. ULTIMATELY: It doesn’t matter how hard you workout and what you eat if you don’t feel good inside.

SWEATCity! is posted Bi-Weekly to help YOU find a way to keep your BOOTY Tight and your Life SSSWWEEETT! Lacey & Jessica have made it their mission to find a way to stay fit, well rounded, and happy while maintaining a loving relationship in New York City!

They want to share with you their insights on Dining OUT, Working Out, Relationships, Money, Sex, and much more. SWEATCITY! is about being the best you can be in all areas of your life, not just fitness. We live in a Hard-Core City. A City that forces YOU to Go BIG or GO HOME!

SWEATCity! looks forward to sharing our stories with you and hearing yours. The more people that come together with a common vision the faster everyone’s dreams will become a reality!










